Saturday, June 23, 2012

Work-Out Wonders

I'm sure you've all heard your doctor say it plenty of times, "You need your exercise. It's good for you." I'm also pretty sure you've all blown him off thinking, "What's the point? I'm not training for a marathon. I don't need to exercise."  Truth be told, you really should listen to the doc, and not just because he spent an eternity studying the human body.  They actually know what they're talking about on this topic.
Exercise does wonders for the body, and I'm not just talking about weight loss.  Exercising helps you 1) de-stress  2)feel happier  3)help you sleep at night  4)prevent diseases  5)keep your weight in check  6)build your immune system  7)helps you become popular! Think, exercise classes or asking friends to join you on your work-out.
Still not convinced that you should exercise? Maybe it's because you think you need to sign up for a gym membership or buy lots of expensive special equipment.  Not to worry, I'm not here to tell you that you need to do either of those.  I'm not even a believer in spending hundreds of dollars on a gym membership, especially not during the summer!!! Our own backyards are our personal gyms.

Today's health tip (If you haven't already guessed) is about exercising!! I promise I'm not going to demand you do some crazy workout that has you jumping on one foot, then dropping to the ground and doing some contorted push-ups.  Today's workout is simple and actually very pleasant. You can do it alone, with others or even with your dog. Any guesses as to what it is? That's right is all about walking!  Walking is a great way to get in your minimum 30 minutes of exercise.  All you have to do is put on some supportive shoes (Please ladies, leave the stilettos at home for this one. Power walking in heels isn't so great) and get moving.

During the summer walking as the sun is on its way down is a great way to release the tension of the day and digest your delicious dinner.  Plus, the way the sun sets is absolutely stunning with all those beautiful colors.  If you rather not walk after you've had your dessert, try and get up a little earlier in the morning and take a brisk walk with the smell of the fresh dew filling up your nostrils. Still not a fan of walking? How about shopping? Now I've got your attention! Yes, you read that right, you can kill two birds with one stone.  Take a moment to think about it.  While shopping you're on your feet the whole time, and you're WALKING from store to store, but it doesn't feel like a workout with all those beautiful clothes surrounding you, does it? However, let's try and avoid a stop at the food court which would ruin this great workout of yours.

If you need some more ideas, how about my favorite way to walk which I learned from the greatest woman of all time, my mother.  Give your friend a call and see if they'd like to catch up on some gossip... while walking! If they can't make it for a walk but would still love to talk take them with you, or rather your phone with you.

Remember, there's always a way to get your exercise in, and it doesn't need to feel like hard work either! Thanks for reading, and hopefully you'll get a stroll in today.  Feel free to share your favorite places, times, or ways to take a walk!  Maybe you'll be the inspiration that someone else needs to get outside.

Until next time..
Have a happy, healthy day!
Klaudia Fronczek

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